
Destiny 2 max power
Destiny 2 max power

Needless to say, Power Leveling is an essential part of the Destiny 2 experience, allowing you to tackle endgame. In Destiny 2, your Guardian’s Power Level is the average level of all its equipable gear and dictates how much damage your it can inflict to enemies and take before dying. So, unless they create progression walls, see Fortnite, there won't be ways to stop people from hitting the cap. Destiny 2 Max Power Level guide: Powerful & Pinnacle gear. The point being, outside of the two expansions following the original release, which required a massive time commitment prior, getting the power needed to do the raid by release has always been doable, but a massive time sink. The same held true for Rise of Iron, something many people only accomplished because of the Omnigul exploit. Following that, I don't recall a lot of people being at the minimum for King's Fall, due to how quickly it released and limited ways to get high level gear. If you put in a bunch of time prior to the update, there really wasn't a grind to be raid ready for Crota's End and if you had multiple characters, you could've hit 34 in a day due to how things were in House of Wolves. I would believe I put 100+ hours into Destiny's first week to be raid ready and I was barely 27 due to bad luck/terrible RNG. Despite that, hitting the max in that time has never been an "easy" feat. I believe every raid has released within a week of release, with some of them being out sooner. Regardless of whether you like or dislike the choice, Bungie has always put the end game out fairly early. I'd agree if this wasn't expected of Destiny.

Destiny 2 max power